GCC Front-End For Rust

Alternative Rust Compiler for GCC

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Towards GCC 15.1


The aim of this document is to serve as semi-live engineering preview of what we aim to achieve for gccrs in the coming year(s), and in what timeline. What “semi-live” means is that we aim to update this document as we progress and close off milestones, which should hopefully reflect our progress in the coming months.

The shape of this document is very rough, as it served as a starting point to establish our Github milestones. We have used it as a way to estimate the time of each task, which allowed us to create a dependency graph and Gantt chart with expected deadlines as well as starting dates for each of the milestones.

This gives us a rough outline of when we expect the compiler to be able to be used as a general purpose compiler, or when we can start experimenting with gccrs for compiling the Rust parts of the Linux kernel, and other important milestones.

As a reminder, the main development focus for this year is the handling of correct Rust code, and more specifically the 1.49 version of the core crate. Once that is achieved, we will shift our focus towards compiling the alloc crate, which will enable us to start working towards the compilation of the Rust-for-Linux project.

For an updated version of the milestone’s completion rate, check out our latest monthly report which will include a table regrouping all of the milestones together.


We need to prioritize and milestone-ize what is absolutely needed for compiling core and RfL. For example, Issue 2032 concerns invalid Rust code that should be checked against, but that is not present in either core or RfL as these two projects only contain valid Rust code - hence, it is low priority and will not appear on this document.

Rust for Linux

We want to be able to provide an experimentation platform for RfL developers. This means that the compiler may not be completely able to compile RfL, but at least able to be experimented with.

This requires core support.

core support

Supporting the entire core library is necessary in order to be useful for the RfL project, as well as the rest of the ecosystem. This will enable us to start looking at the alloc crate, another crate used by the RfL project, as well as the rest of std for regular userland Rust code.

Main graph Other milestones graph


GCC 14.2

We will be able to add small changes to GCC 14.2, mainly non-technical ones. This milestone should only concern documentation changes, or other small non-technical items.

Issue Step Est. Time
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2050 N/A 1 weeks

RfL unstable features

NOTE: Some of the required features are not used upstream ATM, so we might be able to reduce that list/split it in two


Some of the tasks listed above are not Rust language features but rather features used by the RfL project as a whole - things like command-line options for rustc, or functions in core.

We need to be able to support these functions, and to implement equivalent command-line options.

By grepping in the RfL codebase, it seems that not that many nightly features are actually used (as of 2024-05-13). An updated list for those unstable features can be found here


Issue Step Est. Time
Handle SmartPointer derive macro* Exp 6 weeks
Mutable references in const contexts HIR 3 weeks
impl Trait in associated/alias type HIR 5 weeks

* this one may not be necessary as it is being replaced by other features

black_box hint function

At the moment, this function is implemented using the llvm_asm!() builtin macro, which we need to figure out how to handle in Inline assembly. Note that in later versions of the language, black_box becomes an intrinsic function - we need to be able to handle that properly as well.

Issue Step Est. Time
Handle hint::black_box<T> Cg 1 month

Explicit generic argument with impl Trait in function signature


This feature is disallowed in Rust 1.49, but required for RfL.

Issue Step Est. Time
Code example Tyk 1 month

Generic Associated Types


Issue Step Est. Time
Handle GATs Cg N/A
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/1726 Tyk N/A

offset_of! builtin macro

Issue Step Est. Time
Add support for offset_of!() Exp 6 weeks
Add support for nested fields Exp 3 weeks

#[cfg] handling - core 1.49

Issue Step Est. Time
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3018 Prs 5 days
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2983 AST 2 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2984 AST 2 weeks

#[cfg] handling - RfL

There might be complex cfg invocations in Rust-for-Linux, so we will need to be able to parse and handle all of them properly. This milestone will be developped in time as it is hard to get visibility on the topic. However, our existing cfg-handling pass is pretty complete, so this should not take a lot of time - probably a month or so.


let-else is stable in Rust since 1.65, so much later than the Rust version we target. However, they are already in use in the RfL project: grepping for 'let .* else ' gives the following hits:

// rust/macros/paste.rs:29                
let Some(TokenTree::Ident(ident)) = tokens.next() else {
// rust/macros/helpers.rs:170
let Some(name) = toks.next() else {

This will require extensive modifications to the parser, AST, HIR, type system and codegen - so almost all steps of our compiler pipeline.

Note that the last issue in this table is about the let-else feature in general and concerns all of the issues mentioned above it.

Issue Step Est. Time
Parse let-else statements Prs 2 weeks
Add let-else AST node AST 3 days
Name resolve let-else nodes NR 1 days
Macro expand let-else nodes Exp 1 days
Add let-else HIR node HIR 3 days
Typecheck let-else nodes Tyk 2 weeks
Codegen let-else nodes CG 2 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2915 N/A N/A

Question Mark operator

NOTE: This milestone will probably grow as it is not well-researched yet.

The ? operator is used in core to propagate errors and for control flow. We need to desugar it properly (and probably to handle the Try family of traits as well).

Issue Step Est. Time
Desugar question mark operator Low 1 months
Handle expr? in all AST passes AST 2 weeks
Handle Try trait family Typ 8 weeks

lang items

Issue Step Est. Time
Support #[lang] qualified paths NR NR 2 weeks
Support #[lang] qualified paths HIR HIR 2 weeks
Support #[lang] qualified paths Tyk Tyk 3 weeks


for-loops are required to support some of the functions implemented in core. We are running into issues with name resolution as well as type resolution to fully support them.

This will enable us to finally close Issue 682 regarding the blake3 algorithm.

Issue Step Est. Time
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2877 Tyk 1 month
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2905 Tyk 1 month
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2906 CG 2 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2907 Tyk 1 month
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/682 N/A N/A


core requires some form of specialization to be present for optimization reasons. We need to be able to handle this subset of the feature, at least to select the proper trait methods that Rust expects. However, since specialization is used solely for optimization purposes, and that all implementations should be equivalent, we should be able to ignore specialized versions of a function and simply pick the most generic one, at least for core.

Issue Step Est. Time
Handle required min. specialization HIR 2 months

Inline assembly

This work will be done as part of a Google Summer of Code project.

Issue Step Est. Time
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/1566 HIR 3 months
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/1796 Exp 1 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/1797 Exp 1 days
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/1798 Exp 1 days
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/1569 HIR 1 weeks

With a start of the work around the beginning of June, I think we can have inline assembly implemented completely by the beginning of September. This feature should be usable by August.



There are issues around the various indexing and iterator traits defined in core which we need to investigate and fix. These are necessary for handling for-loops.

alloc parser issues

There are still parsing issues left to fix in order to completely compile alloc 1.49. We need to collect these issues precisely and fix them in time for 15.1.

There are no more parser issues for core 1.49 thanks to @Pierre-Emmanuel, so this milestone only concerns code needed by RfL and the standard library. As such, this milestone can be handled later in the year.

Issue Step Est. Time
Parse #[may_dangle] attribute Prs 1 weeks
Parse box keyword Prs 1 weeks
Parse raw keyword Prs 1 weeks

std parser issues

Issues in the parser when trying to compile std 1.49.

Issue Step Est. Time
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2984 Prs 3 weeks

Unhandled attributes

Attributes used in core, alloc, std or RfL which we need to add handling for.

Issue Step Est. Time
#[may_dangle] type attribute N/A N/A
Handle #[prelude_import] attribute NR 2 weeks

Macro expansion

Similarly, there are probably expansion issues when running the compiler on core 1.49 which will need to be addressed. They might however highlight other issues, such as name resolution, in which case they should not be part of this milestone.

Issue Step Est. Time
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2987 Exp 4 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2988 Exp 3 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2989 Exp 3 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2990 Exp 3 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2991 Exp 3 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2992 Exp 3 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2993 Exp 2 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2994 Exp 5 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2995 Exp 2 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2996 Exp 2 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2015 Exp 1 weeks

Name resolution 2.0

We have two name resolution algorithm in the project.

We need to fix the new name resolution algorithm and fix all regressions. Once complete we need to enable it by default. This milestone is extremely important, as we currently cannot name-resolve core 1.49 properly. All other core milestones are thus “dependent” on this one in order to compile core properly in its entirety, without singling out modules or code examples.

Issue Step Est. Time
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2935 NR 3 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2939 NR 1 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2934 NR 2 days
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2933 NR 3 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2986 NR 3 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/1579 NR 1 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3007 NR 3 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2997 NR 3 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2999 NR 3 days
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3000 NR 2 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3001 NR 1 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3015 NR 3 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3016 NR 3 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3022 NR 2 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3023 NR 3 days
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3024 NR 3 days
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3026 NR 3 days
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3027 NR 3 days
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3028 NR 3 days
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3029 NR 3 days
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3035 NR 2 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3036 NR 3 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3037 NR 3 days
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3038 NR 3 days
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3040 NR 3 days
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/2089 NR 3 days
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3042 NR 3 days

NOTE: Should we fix some bits in name resolution 1.0 in order to compile the mini standard library? Probably not but this means we need to default to 2.0 soon.


NOTE: This needs to be split into sub milestones one for each big category of typecheck bugs

Issue Step Est. Time
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3039 Typ 2 weeks

Improve auto traits handling

auto traits are essential to Rust, as they mark very intrinsic functionality of the runtime. Linked to them are negative impls, which, while unstable, are important for the Rust language and used throughout core. We need to handle them properly and completely in our trait solver.

Issue Step Est. Time
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3030 Typ 2 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3008 Typ 3 weeks

Improve Deref and DerefMut handling

These two traits are absolutely essential to the Rust programming language, but we currently run into some very specific and hard-to-debug issues with their implementation in core 1.49.

Issue Step Est. Time
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3032 Typ 2 weeks
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3033 Typ 6 weeks

Remaining typechecking issues for core

Issue Step Est. Time
github.com/Rust-GCC/gccrs/issues/3031 Typ 3 weeks


Borrow checking error improvements

Another GSoC project for this year, which aims to improve the user experience when running the experimental borrow-checking algorithm in gccrs.

Borrow checking

RfL Const Generics (as of 2024-05-13)

Grepping for '<.*const.*>' gives the following hits:

1020:pub fn init_array_from_fn<I, const N: usize, T, E>(
1064:pub fn pin_init_array_from_fn<I, const N: usize, T, E>(
1333:    {<const N: usize, T: Zeroable>} [T; N], {<T: Zeroable>} Wrapping<T>,

 178:    pub fn enqueue<W, const ID: u64>(&self, w: W) -> W::EnqueueOutput
 271:pub unsafe trait RawWorkItem<const ID: u64> {
 315:pub unsafe trait WorkItemPointer<const ID: u64>: RawWorkItem<ID> {
 330:pub trait WorkItem<const ID: u64 = 0> {
 351:pub struct Work<T: ?Sized, const ID: u64 = 0> {
 360:unsafe impl<T: ?Sized, const ID: u64> Send for Work<T, ID> {}
 364:unsafe impl<T: ?Sized, const ID: u64> Sync for Work<T, ID> {}
 366:impl<T: ?Sized, const ID: u64> Work<T, ID> {
 435:pub unsafe trait HasWork<T, const ID: u64 = 0> {
 521:unsafe impl<T, const ID: u64> WorkItemPointer<ID> for Arc<T>
 538:unsafe impl<T, const ID: u64> RawWorkItem<ID> for Arc<T>
 566:unsafe impl<T, const ID: u64> WorkItemPointer<ID> for Pin<Box<T>>
 585:unsafe impl<T, const ID: u64> RawWorkItem<ID> for Pin<Box<T>>

It seems that the required const generics only concern “simple” types, e.g. u64 and usize. So unstable const generic features do not seem to be required.

The milestone will concern adding testcases for those functions and ensuring const generics are handled properly in those cases. It will also be a nice time for us to clean up our implementation and make sure the code is in a nice state.

main shim

This is not “required” for RfL or core, but it is for real user code.

Const generics 2

NOTE: What to do here? what do we need to add in Const Generics 2?

Frontend hooks for GCC plugins

Milestone link

Project link

GCC 15.1 top-level patches

Issue Step Est. Time
Upstream checks for -ldl -lpthread N/A 1 weeks
Add makefile rules for documentations N/A 1 weeks

These need to be done early so that they cannot be rejected for 15.1 due to lack of time.

NOTE: Add this to risk table?

Adapting the rustc testsuite

This GSoC project concerns the adaptation of the rustc testsuite in order to run it using gccrs as a compiler.

Testsuite issues

Issues raised by running the rustc testsuite under gccrs.

Milestone table

Milestone Start Date Target Date
Name resolution 2.0 1st Jun 2024 1st Apr 2025
GCC 14.2 7th Jun 2024 15th Jun 2024
GCC 15.1 21st Jun 2024 1st Jul 2024
Macro expansion 1st Jun 2024 1st Jan 2025
Unhandled attributes 1st Jul 2024 15th Aug 2024
Lang items 1st Jul 2024 1st Sep 2024
Indexing fixes 21st Jun 2024 15th Sep 2024
Iterator fixes 21st Jun 2024 15th Sep 2024
Auto traits improvements 15th Sep 2024 21st Oct 2024
Deref and DerefMut improvements 28th Sep 2024 28th Oct 2024
Remaining typecheck issues 21st Oct 2024 1st Jan 2025
cfg-core 1st Dec 2024 1st Jan 2025
Question mark operator 15th Dec 2024 21st Feb 2025
Codegen fixes 7th Oct 2024 1st Mar 2025
Specialization 1st Jan 2025 1st Mar 2025
[GSoC] Inline assembly 1st Jun 2024 15th Sep 2024
[GSoC] Borrow checker improvements 1st Jun 2024 15th Sep 2024
[GSoC] Rustc Testsuite Adaptor 1st Jun 2024 15th Sep 2024
black_box intrinsic 28th Oct 2024 28th Nov 2024
Unstable RfL features 7th Jan 2025 1st Mar 2025
cfg-rfl 7th Jan 2025 15th Feb 2025
alloc parser issues 7th Jan 2025 28th Jan 2025
let-else 28th Jan 2025 28th Feb 2025
Explicit generics with impl Trait 28th Feb 2025 28th Mar 2025
offset_of!() builtin macro 15th Mar 2025 15th May 2025
Generic Associated Types 15th Mar 2025 15th Jun 2025
RfL const generics 1st May 2025 15th Jun 2025
frontend plugin hooks 15th May 2025 7th Jul 2025
Handling the testsuite issues 15th Sep 2024 15th Sep 2025
std parser issues 28th Jun 2025 28th Jul 2025
main shim 28th Jul 2025 15th Sep 2025